
AACT 2.0.16 - Hotfix

2 years ago


  • Fixed PickEvidence with only a single argument not working in Cross Examinations.
  • Fixed Character and Evidence thumbnail changes not being persisted and will be reset after the project is reloaded.
  • Fixed PopupEditor crashing when cancelling the file picker dialog.

AACT 2.0.15 - Hotfix

2 years ago


  • Fixed Characters spawning outside the camera view if they are loaded on a non-super location after a super location has been used.
Added Changed Fixed

AACT 2.0.14 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Added a new textcode: SPACES. This text code will be replaced with a specified amount of spaces.
  • Variables can now be used as parameter value.
  • The "HideTextBox" Instruction is making a return.
  • Added the option to customize the text of the EvidenceSwitchButton in the court record via the "meta" attribute.
  • Added a "GenerateRandom" instruction that randomizes the value of a variable, depending on its type.
  • Added an F5 hotkey to Quick Test a script in the Code Editor.
  • Evidence of the type "Book" now support images from within. The images used must be in the same folder as the thumbnail.
  • Added SetTimer and StopTimer instructions. At some point in the future, you'll be able to display the timer, even.


  • Changed how string variables are handled to make it easier to use quotes inside the value.
  • Changed the highlighting color of the TIME text code to a brighter color.
  • SetChar now hides the textbox.
  • SelectSpot can now be used without any parameters, which has a similar effect like PickEvidence.
  • PickEvidence with only one argument can now be used in cross examinations. They will always play the SEV statement instruction.
  • Switched from double precision floating-point numbers to 32-bit integers as AACT's numerical type. Aka, 10 divided by 4 is now 2, not 2.5.
  • Changed the format of the TSC arguments slightly.
  • Made it easier to use TSC manually.


  • Fixed string subtraction not working.
  • Fixed boolean literals not being treated as case insensitive.
  • Fixed characters falling out of sync with the camera after moving it to its current position. In other words, if the camera was moved to the same coordinates it's currently at, the background remained in place, while characters still moved.
  • Fixed the popup editor crashing when closing it without any changes.
  • Fixed an issue in the Character Editor where sprite animations would be stopped but don't disappear when leaving the sprite area with the mouse cursor.
  • Fixed a bug where AACT crashes if health reaches 0 unless you have 2147483646 chapters.
  • Fixed an issue where some GUI elements are not mapped to the correct element kind (for themes), which resulted in some settings not being applied when using custom themes.
  • Fixed FadeOutScene not working when the camera is not at (0,0);
Added Fixed Changed

AACT 2.0.13 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Added more extensive logs which will be stored under %appdata%\DeBy Games\AACT.(Won't be removed automatically yet. Will come in the future.)
  • Added MoveCharacter instruction.
  • Added "Fade out scene" parameter to FlashScreen.
  • Added the ability to replace the default (Male, Female and Typewriter) blips.


  • AACT can now compile games with assets bigger than a total of 2GB.
  • Removed syntax highlighting for RemoveCharacter and added it for UnloadCharacter.
  • FlashScreen no longer transitions to a hardcoded value (opacity 0) which would override FadeOutScene since they both use the same layer. FlashScreen will now transition back to the initial state of the layer before the flash happened.


  • Fixed a bug where characters would move to the wrong position when using PanCamera.
  • Fixed sound effects not playing a second time.
  • Fixed several (bust most likely not all) bugs from investigations.
  • Fixed a typo in the translation files which prevented it from being shown in the Asset Maker.
  • Fixed namebox not disappearing, when using DisplayText with a null value for the name parameter, if no custom dialogbox has been used.
  • Fixed the Asset Maker crashing rather than showing an error dialog when using illegal characters in a character name.
  • Fixed an inconsistency in some dialog titles.

AACT 2.0.12 - Hotfix

2 years ago


  • Fixed Script Editor crashing when opening a script file.
Added Changed Fixed

AACT 2.0.11 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Added support for Windows 11.


  • BreakLock now requires a paremeter. (BreakLock; is still valid and will count as BreakLock:[false];)
  • BreakLock can now be shortened to BL.


  • Fixed an issue where GIF animations, while removed from the cache, would remove the currently playing animation as well.
  • Fixed several path issues with script files that prevented the compiler from finding them.
  • Fixed some issues when using different positions with the same character. Now, an emote can only be displayed once but multiple emotes from the same character can be used on multiple positions.
  • Extensive rewriting of the caching logic that nearly drove me insane.
  • Fixed Flac files being saved as MP3 when changing the track via the Asset Maker.
  • Fixed \Q escape code not working.
Fixed Added

AACT 2.0.10 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Added direct execution (CTRL+E) in games started via Quick Test


  • Fixed PlayMusic (again...) and StopMusic.

AACT 2.0.9 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Fixed PlayMusic not doing anything.
  • Fixed PlaySound crashing the game.
  • Fixed LoadCharacter not loading an emote if the emote parameter was set.
  • Fixed character animations being removed from the cache too early. Sometimes even right when they're supposed to be played.
  • Fixed DisplayText applying the 3rd parameter to both DoNotTalk and IsTypewriter and ignoring the 4th parameter completely.
  • Fixed CustomTextBox not unloading the default textbox.
Added Changed Fixed

AACT 2.0.8 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Added new instruction: Shake.
  • Added super locations.*
  • You can now set as many character positions as desired.*


  • Every list in the Asset Maker is now displayed in alphabetical order.
  • Character positions can now be set dynamically at runtime. The theme specifies a character template and Z-index.*
  • LoadScene is now obsolete and was replaced by LoadLocation and LoadCharacter.
  • FadeOutScene received an additional parameter that takes a hex color value (ex #8DBBFF).
  • RemoveCharacter has been renamed to UnloadCharacter.
  • Improved the performance of music streaming, enabling music to start playing without delay now.


  • Fixed custom blips not being saved and thus also not being played.

Check the documentation under to view more information about the new instructions.
*More informations about super locations and character positions can be read in the documentation for the following instructions:

  • PanCamera
  • LoadLocation
  • LoadCharacter
  • UnloadCharacter

AACT v2.0.7 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Fixed StopBackgroundAnimation not clearing the background, and LoadScene not being able to fix it.

Version 2.0.6 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Fixed an issue that bugged me so much, I decided to make a version just for this crap. The issue being characters not being rendered if an underscore is in their reference name.
Changed Fixed

Version 2.0.5 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Changed the font of the text editor to Consolas.
  • Adjusted the Cross Examine context template.


  • Fixed an issue where a statement with a contradiction skips to the next statement when the user clicks on the present button.
  • Fixed text code for speed not being combinable with other text codes.
Changed Fixed

Version 2.0.4 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Fixed the Asset Maker crashing when evidence was tried to be deleted.
  • Fixed Asset Maker not updating character sprites when replacing files.


  • The evidence editor will no longer let you exit the window if no evidence content has been set. Does not apply to "Text"-type evidence.
Added Fixed

Version 2.0.3 - Release Notes

3 years ago


  • Added a feature to quickly generate certain structures in AACT to avoid typos and increase efficiency.
  • The PickEvidence instruction can now be used with only a single parameter. Read more in the documentation.


  • Fixed the \Q and \P text codes so they don't break the syntax highlighting anymore.
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when a GIF animation is being removed from the cache.
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when testing or playing a game with only one chapter if said chapter's number is not 0.
  • Fixed branch instructions not executing due to mislabeled internal frames.
Added Changed Fixed

Version 2.0.2 - Release Notes

3 years ago


  • Added "Bold" option for Text theme elements. Set to true to make the text bold, false to give the text normal width.


  • Fixed Compiler not producing an EXE file when started via the Script Editor.
  • Fixed compiled games having an error loading custom themes, resulting them to always use the default theme.
  • Fixed translation of the header in the game settings window.
  • Fixed several text positions of the default theme.


  • (Unintended) ToolScript Compiler is now visible when compiling a game via the Script Editor.
  • Removed the 4GB RAM requirement from the AACT Installer.
  • The AACT Installer no longer requires an existing installation to be uninstalled first.